Reti Kokk

Andres Metspalu elected member of Academia Europaea

Andres Metspalu, Professor of Genomics and Biobanking and Professor of Biotechnology at the University of Tartu, was elected a member of the Biochemistry and Molecular Biology section of Academia Europaea. This was to recognise his high-level research and lasting contribution to the development of European science.

According to Metspalu, it is a great recognition for him and Estonian science, especially genetics and molecular biology. “It’s nice to be noticed and invited to become a member of Academia Europaea, where there are already respected and recognised scientists before you. I’m really pleased that my research is being appreciated more widely, even now as I am approaching the end of my career as a scientist,” said Metspalu. He hopes that the ideas and plans that still need to be implemented in Estonia and Europe will carry more weight with decision-makers if they are presented by a scientist who is recognised at the European level.

For more information about Andres Metspalu’s career, see the website of Academia Europaea.

Other members of the Academia Europaea from the University of Tartu include Jüri Allik, Andra Siibak, Margit Sutrop, Ülo Mander, Veronika Kalmus, Kalle Kirsimäe, Marju Lauristin, Toivo Maimets, Jaan Einasto, Jaak Järv, Marina Grishakova and Helle Metslang. The list of all members is available on the website of Academic Europaea.

Academia Europaea, founded in 1988 by the Royal Society of London, is an international academy of sciences comprising more than 5,500 European researchers as members. The members include experts from a range of subjects, such as physics and technology, biology and medicine, mathematics, literary studies and humanities, social and cognitive sciences, economics and law.

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